Scopic_Labs, University Twente and the Dutch are working together on a new project involving Deepfake Technology. By using this, we can change the appearance of actors in 360 degrees - film realistic - VR experiences.
Why is this important? Applying Deepfake technology in an interactive VR Film, allows us to:
- Objectively determine how different manipulations (such as skin colour) impact police officers decision-making. This in turn can helps us to mitigate police bias and ethnic profiling.
- Determine how police officers respond to allegations of such. We can design various randomised controlled trails (RCT) through which we can determine the existence of the phenomenon Racist Stereotype Threat (officers being concerned about being seen as racist, and consequently deviating from risk taking).
These are just two examples that highlight the potential for police and research, of this emerging technology. This kind of dynamic public/private cooperation supports the Dutch Police's innovative ambitions.